
New Unit - How We Organise Ourselves- Economics

Students are really excited about this unit - "Economics" and have been showing a lot of enthusiasm for their summative assessment which is going to be the "Entrepreneurship Day". We started the unit by playing the famous trade game called- Business/Monopoly where the students got to know and discuss the vocabulary and elements related to Economics. The students came up with words like buying and selling, seller and customer and so on. Thereafter, they prepared a survey sheet of goods and services to find out about the market demand. They conducted a survey in the school with their friends and teachers. Later they prepared a business report about their product that they will be selling. During this process, the students are learning the various aspects of the market and business which are the major aspects of Economics. In Maths, students continue to practice division using different strategies like grouping, sharing, number line and repeated su

Unit Celebration - The Arts

Students had loads of fun during the unit "The Arts". They displayed enthusiasm for both visual and performing arts. Right from doodling and canvas painting to a workshop held by a choreographer on Bollywood dancing, having sessions on creative writing and performance poetry, students were thoroughly engaged in all the lessons everyday. We had an opportunity to celebrate this unit where the students chose the form of art they learnt during the unit and showed their creativity to the parents and visitors. In Maths, students have been learning and practising multiplication and division using varied manipulatives.

Arts is so much fun!!!!!

Days and weeks are just flying with this unit. Students are busy learning the different forms of art and techniques like Sponge painting using different shapes, hand stitch embroidery, spray painting, Mehendi designs and so on. We have had guest speakers coming to our class- Mr. Subhadip for Tabla and Kareena for singing and to share their experiences about learning a musical instrument and about practicing singing. We also had the opportunity to attend a performance done by a group of artists from 'The Aga Khan Music Intitiative(AKMI)' from the Central Asia. Later in the week, the students were also encouraged to present a theme chosen by their group and present it in the form of performing arts through drama, singing and dancing.  In Maths, students solved addition and subtraction word problems in different groups. In language, students are working on creative writing. They expressed their views and opinions about a piece of music and wrote the climax of the story read ca