
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Arts - First Week

It had been an exciting week for the students to begin with our new unit on 'The Arts'. Pre-unit Assessment with the help of the thinking tool- Think, Puzzle and Explore using varied artefacts Students were read a book called 'Little Cloud' by 'Eric Carle' and were guided to imagine themselves as clouds and make different shapes- Language Integration Answering to teacher questions related to art in centres Students learnt different techniques of Art in 3 centres- Thread Painting, Blow Painting and Sand Art Vegetable Painting on Festival theme decided by the students Identifying and sorting symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns out of 'Thread Painting'- Maths Integration

Unit on 'Water'

Dear Parents, Please find the glimpses of the learning engagements of our third unit on 'Water'. During the unit we also looked into the work of the author 'Dr. Seuss'. In Maths, we learnt different strategies of addition and subtraction. Presentation on sources and uses of water Experiment on 'Evaporation of water' Research about the different sources and uses of water 3 digit addition through number cards  Field trip to Osman Sagar Students created artefacts related to water and presented them before the class  Students solving word problems on addition   Guided writing session about identifying facts to write a report   Skype session with Mr. Gurpreeet Singh about Conservation of Water with the help of Ms.Reema  Story reading session by Ms. Mita Students were taken to the water treatment plant of the Academy in order to learn about distribution of water to the different areas of the s