
Showing posts from October, 2015

Summary of the Week

This Week (26-30 October 2015) It was a good come back for all the students and most of them were excited to submit and share their homework which was about observing the plant they grew and some of them displayed enthusiasm to show the bookmarks they made. With that we begun our week on Monday, where the students also shared what all they did during their holidays apart from homework. It was interesting to know about the different activities done by the students and what all they learnt. They also wrote about their holidays during the guided writing sessions to know and reflect as to how was it similar and different from what they had planned before they went on a break. They also learnt more about the author Julia Donaldson during the author study session. The students were paired in two's to interview about Julia's life. The students continued with their practice of subtraction in Maths with various strategies and working in centres. They also inquired into t

Weekly Report 6 & 7

As you all are aware, we had these short and frenzied weeks last fortnight which were equally exciting as there were lot of activities which happened during these two weeks. We started with our new unit called ‘Plants’ after the summative assessment of the previous unit on ‘Transport’.   During the weeks, students were busy as usual with varied things like preparing and presenting their summative assessment. Post which, we started our new unit with a provocation of observing nature and collecting different parts of the plants which we could find while we went on a short nature walk around the junior school. Students collected some leaves, seeds, stems and flowers. They also clicked some pictures of the parts that they couldn’t collect like roots and fruits (that were not to be plucked from the plant). They came back to class and sorted these parts into categories of the different parts of the plants. This was done to gauge their prior knowledge about the parts of a plant. F