Weekly Report 5

Last Week’s Summary: (21 to 24 September 2015)

Unlike last week, it had been a short week for the students this time. I am sure everyone were happy to receive a long weekend to spend the festival time with their families.

During the week, students were busy researching about the most prevalent/highly used transport in major cities like London, Hong Kong, New York and Kolkata to present their understanding in the form of their formative assessments in various ways like making a video and one of the groups opted to make a poster. Thereafter they were guided to research about the ‘Metro Rail Project’ in Hyderabad. The information helped the students to make their way to the summative assessment.

Students have completed the final draft of their stories and have published them on a ‘transport’ template. They were provided with the templates of those transport systems in which they travelled during their journey so that they could relate with it. Ms.Alison continued with her guided reading and writing sessions during the week and they are making another story using the following elements of the story: title, characters, plot, setting, problem and solution.

Ms. Mita led some of the maths classes wherein she scaffold the student’s understanding about odd and even numbers. The students worked in centers to learn about odd and even numbers through manipulative and resources like hundred’s board, dices and flash cards. It was an interactive session and we were glad to notice that most of the students could relate with the odd and even numbers and enjoyed the recapitulation.

Students had also taken an initiative of making different transport systems using geometric shapes. Some of them made different articles apart from transport. They displayed this enthusiasm in their art class and Ms. Nivedita was elated to share her joy with us. They also learned about directions and distance during their ICT class with the help of interactive maps (Maths and ICT integration), where the students worked on finding out the distance from one place to another. They were guided to find out the distance between same places taking various means like car, train, flight or walk. They also discovered that the time taken with each means is different from one another. It was interesting to see them inquiring about it. All in all, it was great learning week for all of us as usual J

Students presenting their formative assessments


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