Last Week and Creativity Day

Another week with a 'Bang' and loads of fun for our class. 'Creativity day on Saturday-an Artistic Week' where students were engaged in a lot of interesting activities.
Students learning 'Drama' and 'Expressions' 

Students listening to 'Stories' attentively and enjoying the 'Story-Telling Session'

Students making 'Best Out of the Waste'- Recycle Art

Students making 'Best Out of the Waste'- Recycle Art

Students making 'Best Out of the Waste'- Recycle Art

While the other activities were on, the students were also busy researching and working on their formative assessment

Students identified the symmetrical figures from the newspapers and pasted those pictures

Students went for a field trip to a 'Private Farm House' of one of the parents, Ms. Zoya (Daanya's mom) who took an initiative to conduct a session on 'Medicinal use of Plants and Organic Farming' through a guest lecture and field trip with a practical demonstration of preparing a medicine with 'Neem leaves'. Thank you Ms. Zoya for all your efforts.

Students were asked to collect different types of leaves (post field trip) and paste it in their scrap books in order to identify the the different types of plants and their uses

                                                     Students had a fun-learning week :)


  1. It is always great to see our kids learning in practical ways!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. It would be nice if you could mention your name after the comment please.


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