2nd - 6th May 2016

In UOI, we started our last unit, "LEADERS". For the provocation, students were divided into four groups and saw the following videos on Krishna, Hanuman, Pied piper and Robinhood. They were asked to share the story before the whole class, in their respective groups. 

Chalk Talk Activity - Teacher wrote 5 prompts and put them in 5 different places in the class. The students had to go and write in each prompt regarding their respective videos.

Students brainstormed about leaders as a whole class. Our wizz kids came up with the words for leaders.

In Math, we continued with division. Students created their own word problems and solved it. 

Students were divided into 5 groups and were given mixed bag of 6 word problems (all the 4 mathematical operations). They had to discuss with their group members and solve each problem using different strategies.

In English, students did a recap on "nocturnal" and "barn owl" in novel study. They read chapter one and found adjectives about Plop (the barn owl) and the firework boy.

Students wrote about positive and negative traits about the main character from the book, "The little red lighthouse and the great gray bridge". I had read them the book last week.

Students had their Ross Wilson Assessment this week. The task was to give your thoughts and opinions on working Saturdays at the academy.


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