9th - 13th May 2016

In UOI, students read many books on different leaders. We did a bus-stop activity where they had to answer few questions i.e. what were the beliefs and values of your leader? How did they make an impact on the society? What attributes of learner profile did they show?

Students watched a video about "leader in  me". They reflected how can one nurture their own leadership skills by taking small actions.

Students looked at quotes by famous people followed by a classroom discussion.

In Math, "money" was introduced to students. They were divided into 5 groups. The teacher kept fake notes on the carpet and asked the students to collect it. Then they had to count in groups how much money did they collect in total.

We have set up a small shop in our class so that students can get a first hand experience in estimating, purchasing and making budgets.

In Engish, the teachers did a role play and introduced students to biography and autobiography.

We continued with our novel study. The students wrote one line summary for the two chapters.


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