
Showing posts from 2015

Last Week and Creativity Day

Another week with a 'Bang' and loads of fun for our class. 'Creativity day on Saturday-an Artistic Week' where students were engaged in a lot of interesting activities. Students learning 'Drama' and 'Expressions'  Students listening to 'Stories' attentively and enjoying the 'Story-Telling Session' Students making 'Best Out of the Waste'- Recycle Art Students making 'Best Out of the Waste'- Recycle Art Students making 'Best Out of the Waste'- Recycle Art While the other activities were on, the students were also busy researching and working on their formative assessment Students identified the symmetrical figures from the newspapers and pasted those pictures Students went for a field trip to a 'Private Farm House' of one of the parents, Ms. Zoya (Daanya's mom) who took an initiative to conduct a session on 'Medicinal use of Plants and Organic Fa

Celebrations and Summary

Last two weeks had been both hectic and fun-loving week for all of us. Grade 2 students were busy celebrating the festival of Diwali and preparing for the talent show on the children's day along with the learning engagements in different subjects. They have been introduced to two new concepts in Maths which is data handling and symmetry. They have learnt to present data through graphical representations and have tried to figure out symmetry around them. Students measuring different parts of the plants in centimetres using measuring tapes and rulers to collect the data for their graphs. Students learning the graphical representation of their data that they collected. They learnt two types of graphs- Bar and Line Graphs. Students also went to the 'Science Lab' to explore the different parts of the plant under magnifying glasses and microscopes. They observed the transverse section of a stem, onion peels and cells of a leaf under a microscope. They also observed

Summary of the Week

This Week (26-30 October 2015) It was a good come back for all the students and most of them were excited to submit and share their homework which was about observing the plant they grew and some of them displayed enthusiasm to show the bookmarks they made. With that we begun our week on Monday, where the students also shared what all they did during their holidays apart from homework. It was interesting to know about the different activities done by the students and what all they learnt. They also wrote about their holidays during the guided writing sessions to know and reflect as to how was it similar and different from what they had planned before they went on a break. They also learnt more about the author Julia Donaldson during the author study session. The students were paired in two's to interview about Julia's life. The students continued with their practice of subtraction in Maths with various strategies and working in centres. They also inquired into t