
Showing posts from February, 2016

15th - 19th February 2016

In UOI, students were given various symbols to observe. They interpreted the meaning and wrote it in their notebook.   Students were shown a video on sand art followed by a classroom discussion on verbal & non-verbal communication . Students were divided into groups and researched on different means of communication. Finally they presented their understanding before the whole class through role-play. Finally students learnt about the various factors that lead to effective communication and miscommunication. In Math, students learnt the difference between analog and digital clock. Pattern was introduced this week through a play.  Then students brainstormed about pattern as a whole class. We had Centre Activity where students had to make different type of patterns using Rangometry, Jodo cubes and beads. They also made colourful patterns using worksheets.

8th - 13th February 2016

This week in  UOI , we inquired into the first LOI.  Students were given picture books. They observed the picture books and wrote their understanding. Grace’s mother Ms Jessica was our Guest Speaker. She has worked as a journalist in UK and has written a novel. She spoke about the various communication techniques writers use to make their work more attractive and appealing to the audience. Students wrote reflection on the guest lecture. Students watched two Charlie Chaplin  videos  followed by a classroom discussion on non verbal communication. Students learnt how to send emails in the ICT class. They were paired up and wrote an email to Ms Anjum. They were allowed to use emoticons.  This week our students were busy preparing for the science fair. Our theme was on PLANTS. Our budding scientists put up a  magnificent  show.                              This week in