
Showing posts from March, 2016

14th - 17th March 2016

In English , students prepared a class story book for the library. They came up with a horror story and named it "The lost ball". They all contributed equally. They wrote the story and illustrated it. The final outcome was AWESOME :) In Guided writing, students continued with letter writing. They wrote a letter to their parents asking them to attend the PTM.  Students were asked to write a small story with a beginning, middle and end and draw pictures in a template. In Math , students did data analysis on culture. As a whole class, they formulated 4 questions. Then they were divided into 4 groups and collected information from various JS classes. They sorted their data with their friends and plotted bar graphs individually in their Math notebook. Finally they plotted the bar graph in their group. In UOI , students came up with the student's questions for the new unit "Energy". They also answered the teacher's questions individually using post i

7th - 11th March 2016

This week was dedicated to BOOKS, BOOKS and BOOKS. Yes, it was our much awaited Book Week Celebration. It started with a Treasure Hunt for Julia Donaldson books. A clue was provided to the students and they had to find that book. Inside each book, was the clue for the next book!!! Our lil detectives were quick and smart enough to trace the books. It was SUPER FUN :) In UOI, students presented their model. Though it was a group work, but they were assessed individually for the Summative Assessment.  We started with our new unit "ENERGY". For the provocation, the teacher performed 3 different type of activities. 1. A candle was burnt. 2. A musical chime was played. 3. Water was heated in a microwave. Students wrote their observations about the activities followed by a classroom discussion. In MATH, students were introduced to "GROUPS"  in multiplication through a play. They were also in

29th Feb - 4th March 2016

In UOI, students presented their research on communication systems used in the past and present. For the 3rd Formative Assessment, students were asked to compare and contrast the communication systems used in the past and present using a double bubble. Students started preparing for the Summative Assessment. They were divided into 4 groups and were asked to make a model of a city for the alien PK (movie PK). They had to use various signs, symbols, illustrations and advertisement to share information about their designed city.  But before that, they were asked to plan the design of their city in a paper. As a class, we brainstormed about the different things that are found in a city.  After they designed their city, they were given plain cardboards to start their work. And our budding artists started the work with great enthusiasm. In Math, this week we revisited the addition, subtracti

22nd - 26th February 2016

In UOI, s tudents were asked to bring artifacts from home that symbolizes their culture. They were asked to show and tell about it before the class. Preparation in full swing for the first and second Formative Assessments.   Students created and composed picture book/ song/ mime/ dance drama to demonstrate their understanding of different types of communication and how we interpret and respond to the ideas of others. Students were shown a video and introduced to the evolution of communication systems over a period of time. They wer e divided into groups and asked to do research on communication systems used in the past and present. In MATH, we continued with Pattern. Students watched a video on pattern and inquired deeper into it. Students were asked to do growing, shrinking and repeating patterns in a plain paper to show their understanding. In ENGLISH, s