22nd - 26th February 2016

In UOI, students were asked to bring artifacts from home that symbolizes their culture. They were asked to show and tell about it before the class.

Preparation in full swing for the first and second Formative Assessments. 

Students created and composed picture book/ song/ mime/ dance drama to demonstrate their understanding of different types of communication and how we interpret and respond to the ideas of others.

Students were shown a video and introduced to the evolution of communication systems over a period of time. They were divided into groups and asked to do research on communication systems used in the past and present.

In MATH, we continued with Pattern. Students watched a video on pattern and inquired deeper into it.

Students were asked to do growing, shrinking and repeating patterns in a plain paper to show their understanding.

In ENGLISH, students were read a book "Comic illustrations". They could differentiate between a comic book, magazine and newspaper.

Our kids were asked to draw and write about their favourite character from any book that they have read. They had to write about a character, interesting part of the story, what they liked/disliked in the story and if they need to change anything in that story.

In guided writing, students wrote their experience in the Swimming Gala.

For the English integration, they were read the book "Amelia Hits the Road". The book had a lot of signs and symbols and our whizz kids could easily make connection.

Overall, we had a very productive week :)


  1. Well done! I am proud of you all :)

  2. Wow students done good work and this seems students had lot of fun in their activities.
    Gowri Vege


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