29th Feb - 4th March 2016

In UOI, students presented their research on communication systems used in the past and present.

For the 3rd Formative Assessment, students were asked to compare and contrast the communication systems used in the past and present using a double bubble.

Students started preparing for the Summative Assessment. They were divided into 4 groups and were asked to make a model of a city for the alien PK (movie PK). They had to use various signs, symbols, illustrations and advertisement to share information about their designed city. 

But before that, they were asked to plan the design of their city in a paper. As a class, we brainstormed about the different things that are found in a city. 

After they designed their city, they were given plain cardboards to start their work. And our budding artists started the work with great enthusiasm.

In Math, this week we revisited the addition, subtraction, calendar and time concepts.  

The students were introduced to multiplication through a play. Our smart kids could easily make connection with their previous learning. They could co-relate it with "REPEATED ADDITION" :)

In English, we continued with the story, "Amelia hits the road". 

They learnt about verbs,

In Guided writing, they made a plan for their story.

For English integration for our communication unit, students were read the book "Hello" and "Email". 


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