7th - 11th March 2016

This week was dedicated to BOOKS, BOOKS and BOOKS. Yes, it was our much awaited Book Week Celebration. It started with a Treasure Hunt for Julia Donaldson books. A clue was provided to the students and they had to find that book. Inside each book, was the clue for the next book!!! Our lil detectives were quick and smart enough to trace the books. It was SUPER FUN :)

In UOI, students presented their model. Though it was a group work, but they were assessed individually for the Summative Assessment. 

We started with our new unit "ENERGY". For the provocation, the teacher performed 3 different type of activities.

1. A candle was burnt.

2. A musical chime was played.

3. Water was heated in a microwave.

Students wrote their observations about the activities followed by a classroom discussion.

In MATH, students were introduced to "GROUPS"  in multiplication through a play.

They were also introduced to "ARRAYS" in multiplication. They searched for arrays in their classroom and in the Junior school play area.

Students had their 2nd term Math Assessment this week. 

In ENGLISH, students learnt to write letter in the guided writing class. 

Students were told stories by parents in their mother tongue. Thanks a lot to the parents who came and shared stories with our kids :)



Students had their 2nd term English Assessment this week.

Finally on Friday, the book week ended with a Character Parade. The theme for our grade was Julia Donaldson. Our kids were fantabulous as usual. 

Dear parents, PTM  is coming up next Friday. Please refer to our mail and book your time slot. Hope to see you all :)


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