11th - 15th April 2016

In UOI, students learnt about the QR reader app. They had to scan a barcode which led them to a video link. They watched the video and wrote about it in their UOI notebook. It was a very fun learning engagement for our kids. 

We had Mr. Subhadip as our Guest Speaker. Through various musical instruments, he enlightened the students on the properties of sound. Students learnt about pitch, noise, vibration, decibel, frequency.

Students visited the Science lab to deepen their understanding on the properties of heat and light. They performed simple experiments and learnt about Reflection, Refraction, Solar panels, Electricity from lemon or other vegetables (Bio cells). 

Students did a reflection on their visit to the Science Lab.

In Math, fraction was introduced to students. They were asked to draw a pizza with their favourite toppings. They were asked to share it equally with their immediate partner. 

For further understanding they were given fraction kit to explore and understand the concept. 

Students were shown videos on fraction followed by a classroom discussion.

In English, students continued with acrostic poems. They were read the book "Starry Messenger" followed by an activity. Novel study "The Owl that was afraid of the dark" has begun. Students were asked to write whether they were afraid of the  dark. If so, why???

Its becoming hotter and hotter with every passing day. Kindly ensure that you send a cap/umbrella with your child everyday. Few students are not bringing it regularly. We have kept Glucose and ORS in the class. It would be nice if the child carries juice everyday. Please refrain your child from eating fried and junk food.

I have been sending UOI, English Journal, English Writing and Math notebook every Friday. Please check and return them on Monday.


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