4th - 8th April 2016

I hope you all had a great time with your kids. Its nice to come back. Summer is here. Please send cap/umbrella with your kid everyday. 

This week in UOI, we discussed about the sources of light as a whole class. They were shown various videos on light and brainstormed it individually in their UOI notebook. 

Students were paired up and shown various pictures and they had to discuss with their respective partner whether that object was a source of light or not. They learnt about luminous and non-luminous objects.

The teacher showed the students objects through which light can, cannot and partially pass like a transparent sheet, a book and a tissue paper using a torch. Students were introduced to opaque, transparent and translucent objects through this simple experiment. 

We discussed about the role of light in vision. They were shown some videos related to this topic.

In Mathematics, we did a recap on multiplication through snowball and doughnut activity. Students wrote the reflection about the activities in their Math notebook. 

Students were introduced to multiplication word problems. They were divided into groups and solved the word problems. Finally they were asked to make their own word problems and use different strategies to derive at the solution.

Students measured their friend's shadows using a measuring tape throughout the day at different point of time. 

In English, students learnt how to write acrostic poems using interesting vocabulary.

They were read the book, "In the Indian night sky". Its a fiction story about the Sun, Moon, Wind and the North star.

In Art, students learnt about light and shade.

Next week our budding scientists will be doing lot of light and sound experiments. We eagerly look forward to it.


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