18th - 22nd April 2016

This week in UOI, our little scientists did various light and sound experiments in the classroom.

Students were divided into three groups and researched on the following topics: Heat energy, Light energy & Sound energy.

They researched and shared their understanding before the whole class.

The Final Outcome :)

In Math, we continued with fraction this week. We did center activity on fraction. There were four centers i.e. Ipad, Worksheet, Game and Fraction kit. Our kids enjoyed all the activities. 

Students were also introduced to Numerator and Denominator in fraction. Then in another Math lesson, the teacher dictated a fraction and the student had to show their understanding by drawing it in their Math notebook. 

I have introduced MATH TALK in our classroom. The students can talk with their friends about any Math problem and ask them different questions related to it. Please encourage your kids at home to ask lot of questions. Let them inquire, explore and learn.

In English, we continued with our novel study. The students planned and reviewed their own stories.

Here are a few glimpses from our Swimming gala this week. Thanks for coming and encouraging our little swimmers.



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